AmigaOS3.5 (637/967)

From:Robin Hueskes
Date:18 May 2000 at 19:47:50
Subject:Re: WOS

Hello Sergio

On 18-Mai-00, you wrote:

> hallo to all,
> can someone can sa y me where i can find
> the WOS library for me Blizz PPC and how install
> them i'm going mad!!

WarpUP_V40.lha is on Aminet biz/haage

> can someone also say me where i find last 040 lib
> for the blizzppc board i have ,,

This should be in your ROM the lib is installed with
the BIOS of your PPC-Card and the actual PPCFlash
can be found at DCE (I suppose)

> and also how i can remap the rom in fast?

You can use the PPC-Menu for this ...
Press 'ESC' while starting your computer

> soory for everyone bothered from my
> questions, i'm afraid, and also sorry for
> my bad english

Well , ask in italian language and I dont understand you at all ;)

BTW what is the translation of your :
> */Cordiali Saluti,/ ^_^*

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